Episode 3: Oliver Nagy (Held)

This week on the podcast we are joined by one of our oldest friends and collaborators, Oliver Nagy. Oli is a vocalist, songwriter and model who is now turning his hand to photography. Naturally we talk about how this kind of portfolio career works for him whilst also delving into ageism in the music industry and how different kinds of wisdom come from starting new creatives later in your journey.

Oli is 1/3 of our new musical project, Held, with Michelle and I making up the other 2/3. Our first tracks are out on all platforms now and can be found through the link below. Also follow @heldproject to keep up to date with when the rest of the EP is dropping.

HELD - https://open.spotify.com/album/1FXJgP7J85pTXUDgp4vQ7n


Crooked Colours - Vera

A Little Life

Arcade Fire



Pop Music Has An Age Problem - https://www.afterglowatx.com/blog/2021/12/8/pop-music-has-an-age-problem

How Ageism Kills the Careers of Women in the Music Industry - https://www.vice.com/en/article/jma8p3/getting-older-is-a-death-sentence-for-women-in-the-music-industry-602

Ageism in the Music Industry: Does Success Have an Expiration Date? - https://www.thembj.org/2020/03/ageism-in-the-music-industry-does-success-have-an-expiration-date/


Episode 4: Ben Gladwin & Ella Clarke


Episode 2: Luvlee